

SmartCMS is Complaints Handling web-based software, gives companies comprehensive control over how customer complaints are handled, recorded, reported, and tracked in compliance with regulatory guidelines. SmartCMS manage customer support, which helps organization to improve the way to give support to customers as well as manage internal organization IT-services support.

SmartCMS acts as a platform where it converts complaints from different channels into tickets. While the complaint is addressed by dedicated support team, the customer is kept in the loop of its progress and current status of complaint. Customer can register Complaint by various channel i.e., IVRS, Agent Transfer Call, Website complain link, Miscall, by email etc.

Customer will get the real-time notification of registered complaint through email, WhatsApp, and SMS

How SmartCMS Solutions Can Help You:

  • 24x7 support complain registration availability.
  • Integrated with various channel for complaint registration
  • Integrated with Email, WhatsApp, and SMS for notification
  • Web-based white-label customer complaint Panel
  • Support integration with Core System for customer verification
  • Product wise complaint registration.
  • Complaint progress tracking
  • MIS Report for management